
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Simply Suppers Cookbook Review and GIVEAWAY!!

I was recently given the opportunity to review the cookbook Simply Suppers by Jennifer Chandler. I was so excited when I was contacted by the publisher! This book is great! Jennifer is originally from Memphis, TN (another Tennessee girl!) but spent a year of her life studying the art of cooking in Paris, France at the Le Cordon Bleu academy. After returning to the states, and working in Washington, D.C. for a stent, she is back in her hometown of Memphis, TN where she owned a successful prepared foods market and bakery. Today she is a stay at home mom of two little girls, a freelance magazine writer, and the author of a couple of cookbooks, including Simply Suppers.

Simply Suppers has exactly what I'm looking for when I'm seeking out a new cookbook to add to my collection, pictures! There is a picture of every recipe in the whole cookbook! And while I'm on the subject of photography, it is amazing in this book. The pictures make me want to eat one of everything in the book, even brussel sprouts! Another neat thing that this cookbook has is cooking tips that go along with each recipe. She has small icons that go along with each recipe representing Cooking Tips, Variations, Do Ahead, Time-Saving Tips, Back-to-the-Basics, and Freezes Well. I don't know about you, but those things are so helpful to know! (Especially since I'm trying to find things that freeze well to prepare for baby.)

The recipes in this cookbook are not hard to make, and Jennifer's instructions make it easy to follow and be successful. Some of my favorite recipes in Simply Suppers are Potato Chip Chicken Tenders, Fish Tacos with Mango Slaw, Southwestern Crab Cakes, Banana Pudding Pie, and yes even Brussel Sprouts and Bacon! Have I convinced you that this cookbook is a keeper? Well there's good news for you! The wonderful people at Thomas Nelson have given me THREE copies of Simply Suppers to give away! If you'd like to enter the Simply Suppers giveaway you can do one or all of the things listed below. I'm going to post two recipes from the cookbook over the next few days as well, so be on the lookout for those too! This giveaway will be open until NEXT Friday, May 27, 2011 at NOON Eastern Standard Time. This contest is open to everyone, even those in other countries, so everyone feel free to enter!

Ways to enter:
1. Follow This Mommy Cooks. (on the sidebar)

2. Become a fan of This Mommy Cooks on facebook.

3. Subscribe for emails from This Mommy Cooks. (on the sidebar)

4. Follow This Mommy Cooks on twitter.

5. Blog about this giveaway on your blog.

6. Share about this giveaway on facebook.

7. Retweet about this giveaway using @thismommycooks in your tweet.

8. Tell me what you look for in a good cookbook.

So what are you waiting for? Comment away! Good luck!

Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."


  1. Ok, I am like you, I look for PICTURES...big, colorful, glossy, BEAUTIFUL pictures that inspire me.

  2. I am already a follower of the blog

  3. ..and I can stalk you on Facebook ;)

  4. When I look for cookbooks I look for very detailed descriptions and also pictures of the steps. I am still learning to cook, so I need all the help I can get from the cookbook. Your site has been a huge help for me!!

  5. I am a follower of your blog.

  6. I love a cookbook with lots of pictures. Also, one that has recipes I could make on weeknights with easily obtainable ingredients.

  7. Cookbooks with pictures are the best. When I am looking through my cookbooks I almost never pick a recipe that doesn't have a piture!

  8. I am a follower of This Mommy Cooks

  9. I follow This Mommy Cooks on twitter @nunnallfamily

  10. I am one of your followers and have been for some time!

  11. I like you at Facebook...and away from FB too. =)

  12. Pictures in a cookbook are great, but more than that, I want all the facts so I can follow the recipe easily. Preferably, listed in order....

  13. When I'm looking for a cookbook I like to see yummy looking pictures and I also like it when the nutrition information is included.

  14. I am following you!

  15. I look for beautiful pictures, healthy and simple recipes and maybe nutrition stats if they are available.

  16. I am following you on Twitter!

  17. I look for cookbooks that are simple ingredients and fresh preparations, with new ideas to classics!

  18. this cookbook sounds great! I would love to win!

  19. I am your fan on facebook!

    Lisa P.

  20. I follow your blog!

    Lisa P.

  21. I follow you on twitter..

    Lisa P

  22. I love to try new recipes that are easy and quick, but also tasty and healthy. I like cookbooks that are very detailed and that give "tips" to make cooking certain things a bit easier.

    Lisa P

  23. I am a follower of your blog. :)

  24. I love cookbooks that have colorful pictures and recipes that are somewhat hard to find ingredients or ingredient lists that fill the whole page!

  25. Pictures and short recipes! I don't have time with as a working mom with 2 toddlers!

  26. I love cookbooks! This would be a great one to have!

  27. I like you on facebook (and other places too)

  28. I subscribe by email (can you tell I want a cookbook?)

  29. Lastly, the thing I like in a cookbook is doable recipes for the everyday mom with big pretty pictures!

  30. I look for pictures in a cookbook. I like to be able to see what I'm about to cook.

  31. I look for photos always! I won't buy a cookbook if it doesn't have pictures. I also like cookbooks that aren't too fancy or complicated, not an expert level. And with ingredients that are not hard to find!

  32. I like easy to read recipes ~ I get so excited about making new recipes!!

  33. I look for fun kid friendly recipes!

  34. I am already a facebook fan, now I am following you on Twitter. I like a cookbook with pictures, but I also like the old cookbooks with no pics.

  35. I am a fan on facebook, and I love pictures and easy recipes that use things I've actually heard of!

  36. This looks like a great cook book cant wait to try it.

  37. Looks like fun book!!! Follow you on the blog!

  38. When I read a cookbook I look for awesome pictures and nutritional content. I love books with big, glossy pictures of the final product!

    lanzaelizabeth77 at gmail dot com

  39. I am already a follower of your blog.

    Lanzaelizabeth77 at gmail dot com

  40. and... I am a follower on face book as well (Liz Lanza)

    lanzaelizabeth77 at gmail dot com


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