
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Guest Post: Sweet Treat Tuesday-Pineapple-Coconut Gelato

My friend Nancy from Casual Cuisine is guest blogging today! Thank you so much for sharing a new recipe Nancy! Visit her site for yummy, healthy recipes!

You know that whole thing about pregnant women and ice cream cravings? Well, I must be here to prove that it's true, because I'm just about to have another baby and in the past  two weeks, I've made several batches of the stuff! I just cannot get enough fruity, frothy desserts lately, and this is the most recent recipe I've tried. When I came across the recipe, I immediately knew I had to try it because it just sounded so good and refreshing, not to mention extremely easy to make. I'm not normally a huge fan of coconut on its own, but I do love it when added to other tropical flavors, so the coconut milk base in this recipe is, in my opinion, a wonderful compliment to the pineapple. This dessert is just so tasty yet not too rich or heavy, and the texture could probably be described as in between a sorbet and sherbet. My family just loves this recipe, so when I talked to Amber about guest posting today, my mind went immediately to this one as a great dessert to share with you all. And with warm weather finally here and summer just around the corner, it is a great one to try out.

One other reason that I thought it would be fun to try this recipe is because growing up, I always loved getting the famous Dole Whips at Disney World's Magic Kingdom. I've searched for a good recipe to compare it to, but have never had any luck (mostly because the whip is actually a prepackaged concoction that you have to order rather than simple you can tell, I've done some research ;)!). So when I saw this recipe, I had that delicious Dole Whip in the back of my mind in hopes that it might taste similar. Well, I thought it did, and without even saying anything to him about it, my husband said it kind of reminds him of a Dole Whip. I started laughing and told him that is what I thought, too! So, if you like Dole Whips, you will most likely love this recipe. And if you've never had one but love a good refreshing, fruity dessert, this one will not disappoint! 

I recently made a strawberry gelato that we can't get enough of as well-I've made several batches of it and everyone who has tried it has loved it, so I highly recommend it, especially with strawberries being in season. For that and other recipes, feel free to visit my cooking blog, Casual Cuisine. I love trying new fun, practical, family friendly recipes and sharing them!

Pineapple-Coconut Gelato
Slightly adapted from this recipe from Cooking Light, found on

I N G R E D I E N T S :
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups water
1 (15 1/4-ounce) can crushed pineapple in juice, undrained
1 cup coconut milk (I bought reduced fat coconut milk in a can, which can be found in the asian food section of the grocery store.)

D I R E C T I O N S :
Combine sugar and water in a large saucepan; bring to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves.

Remove from heat; cool completely.

Combine the pineapple and milk in a large bowl; stir in sugar syrup (I actually blended it together in a blender for a smoother texture, but either way would probably be fine).

Pour mixture into the freezer can of an ice-cream freezer, and freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. Spoon gelato into a freezer-safe container; cover and freeze 1 hour or until firm.


  1. Mmmmm! This looks so good! I am going to have to make this! When I was pregnant last summer, I CRAVED ice cream and fruit too! Haagan Daas lemon sorbet was my favorite treat!

  2. Yum! I can't wait to try it out.

  3. Hi Amber,
    I love the idea of pineapple coconut combined; this smust taste divine. Thank you for joining me and I just joined Nancy. Ice cream and gelatto has always been my favourite dessert. Does this mean I have to go by an ice cream machine? Sure looks like it.

  4. I didn't know you are pregnant! Congratulations! With my boys I didn't want ice cream but with baby girl I sure do!

  5. Ok, so I guess I missed the part about a guest blogger today! As I said, I've been hungry for ice cream...I guess so much that I can't even read :)

  6. Abby, you're silly! I am actually pregnant, but I have 7 more weeks, my friend Nancy is due in 2 weeks! =) Congrats on your baby girl, that's what I'm having this time around after 2 boys!

  7. I love the sound of those flavours! I'm from SIngapore so I love these tropical flavours (:


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